Monday, October 27, 2008

A Conversation

Long ago, well not so long ago, I chatted with my mother. This casual conversation changed my life forever --- well, I hope it will, I’m not exactly a precog xP BTW, precog is the word I learned from Heroes Season 3 Episode 6 which means someone who can predict the future. Nevertheless, I searched for the meaning in, but yes, the word does not exist. Yet. I think. OHH, I got to stop babbling xP

Back to the story, at that time, my mother was pregnant and she was exclaiming her want to get a bite on satay. Then she said that it will be nice to get a butler or chauffeur to send him on an errand to go the satay.

"Kan best kalau ada driver ke apa suruh tolong gi belikan satay. Jadi orang kaya pon best jugak kan?" 


"Ntahla Ummi  - jadi orang kaya pun tak semestinya happy."


"Jadi orang miskin pun tak semestinya happy. Jadi bergantung kepada qada dan qadar Allah, kan, Alin?"


Pada saat itu, aku sedar. [hold it.. yes I speak Manglish = Malay + English  :D or commonly known as “bahasa rojak”. Ok I’ll stop membebel] Semua yang berlaku pada diri kita; bahkan seluruh alam telah ditentukan oleh Allah swt. Belajar rukun iman sejak kecik, tapi tak pernah terlintas pun nak aplikasikannya dalam kehidupan seharian

SO, the conclusion is Allah always has a cause creating of what we are. Allah menciptakan manusia, ada yang sempurna ada yang cacat. Yang sempurna diberikan tanggungjawab dan yang cacat tidak dibebankan dengan tanggungjawab orang yang sempurna. Di samping itu, Allah swt mengurniakan kepada mereka keistimewaan sendiri seperti akal yang cerdik atau jiwa yang halus. Ini membuktikan bahawa Allah Maha Adil.

The rich helping the poor  - the strong helping the weak - the fortunate helping the less fortunate. Semuanya bergantung kpd qada’ dan qadar - tak terkecuali daya usaha kita, doa dan tawakal, keredhaan ibubapa dan guru-guru kita, ikhlas untuk meraih keberkatan Allah swt dalam apa jua perkara yang kita lakukan - semua itu berperanan proaktif untuk kita mencapai kejayaan, InsyaAllah.

Yeah, that conversation made me realize. Hence the choice of song for this post! x)

Realise - Colbie Cailett

take time to realize,
that your warmth is
crashing down on in.
take time to realize,
that i am on your side
didn't i, didn't i tell you.

but i can't spell it out for you,
no it's never gonna be that simple
no i cant spell it out for you

c: if you just realize what i just realized,
then we'd be perfect for each other
and will never find another
just realized what i just realized
we'd never have to wonder if
we missed out on each other now.

v2: take time to realize
oh-oh i'm on your side
didn't i, didn't i tell you.
take time to realize
this all can pass you by
didn't i tell you

but i can't spell it out for you,
no it's never gonna be that simple
no i can't spell it out for you.

c: if you just realized what i just realized
then we'd be perfect for each other
then we'd never find another
just realized what i just realized
we'd never have to wonder if
we missed out on each other now.

v3: it's not always the same
no it's never the same
if you don't feel it too.
if you meet me half way
if you would meet me half way.
it could be the same for you.

c: if you just realize what i just realized
then we'd be perfect for each other
then we'd never find another
just realize what i just realized
we'd never have to wonder
just realize what i just realized

if you just realize what i just realized

missed out on each other now
missed out on each other now

realize, realize