Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Holds a special place inside your heart

According to Merriam Webster, that is, the dictionary, photography means the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface. OHKAY.  But to me, it’s entirely different. It is a feeling. A feeling of happiness and joy. Although it sounds cheesy, that is what photography means to me.

It is a capture of a moment that you feel special and holds a special place inside your heart. Although I am still learning and not all of my pictures are brilliant, and did not fulfill the criteria that Edward Brock Jr aka Venom in Spiderman 3 believe that could make a good picture –


“Photography isn't just about flagpoles. It's about lighting, composition, drama”

the pictures I took are really special to me. So far, I’ve put three photographs in my blog [for the October posts] and those pictures are some of the pictures I really felt special.

  1. Raindrops on the window pane [Introduction]
  2. Flovemingo [A conversation] ... nice title, eh? :P
  3. Loneliness between company [Holds a special place inside your heart]

I went to the KL Bird Park with my family on 9th August and it became one of my favourite places. The birds singing [and shrieking], the flapping of their wings, the panorama, with my family beside me.. Hence, the flamingo picture is special to me [flovemingo] And yeahp, it's edited :] For the raindrops picture [raindrops on the window pane] it was raining heavily and all 8 of us are in the car [the car was a 5-seater by the way :P don’t worry, I have little sisters with little… umm, sides :P not all of them though.. ] Although it is not the roomiest moment, it was really special because all my beloved ones in one place, I felt really warm, plus it was raining, which makes it much warmer and special.

And for this post, I put a picture of some of my friends becoming models :P  BTW, they're very good, they have some potential! :D It was titled "loneliness between company”. It means that sometimes we feel lonely even though we’re not exactly alone. Hahah, sentimental tak? ;P Well, it was Maulidur Rasul so all of us can wear our baju kurung at school that day, as you can see. And yeah, it doesn’t necessarily mean we can bring the camera, but hey, it was a special day :D After school we hung out at the park [opposite the school across the street], waiting pak cik Mad [van] to pick us up.

So we took pictures [about 3 of us brought cameras] Pictures of us jumping and all [loved the jumping photos but too embarrassed to put them up!] We wanted to capture that moment because we weren’t exactly allowed to bring any electronical devices such as cameras and handphones and we rarely hang out at other places besides school and the nearest-to-school restaurants.

When you look at your pictures 10 years later, it brings so much memories and could bring a smile to your face without you noticing [especially if that picture was from the 80s. Just ask your parents.. or rather, ask yourself if - you yourself are from the 80s]. Our brain ability might disssapoint us at times, but this pictures will not as they last forever for you to cherish the wonderful memories.

Other than that, when you take a picture, and examine it, you find something unusual. For example, the flamingo picture. At first, when people saw them, they would say - "oh, it's just a big fat bird on small thin pink sticks"  and walk away. 

But then, when you examine the picture. You find something unusual. Its feathers look so sleek and soft. And I love the colour pink on its wings and feet. Although I'm not exactly a pink fanatic [I'm a blue and purple fan, tyvm!] but the color makes me calm. Know it's sounds weird, but it does. And I absolutely love the touch of elegant black on its wings. It makes you grateful and gasp in awe with Allah's creations. Alhamdulillah... MashaAllah...

Many times, people judge a book by its cover but when we examine something on a picture, you'll find many surprising things from a different perspective. Oh yeah; one more thing - they look so unique and exotic because of their, umm.. dare I say it - "small thin pink sticks"    :P

* Maulidur Rasul is a term used to refer to the observance of the birthday of Rasulallah s.a.w. which occurs in Rabiul-awwal, the third month in the Islamic calendar.  Hari kita ingat akan pengorbanan-pengorbanan Rasulallah s.a.w dalam membimbing dan memperbetulkan akidah manusia supaya mentauhidkan Allah s.w.t.. Baginda menerima banyak ancaman dan cabaran seperti:

-        - leher baginda dijerut dengan serban

-        - Abu Jahal menghempas batu besar ke atas Rasulallah saw ketika baginda solat

-        - Baginda dihina di khalayak ramai seperti diludah, dituduh gila dan sebagainya

-        - Baginda ditawarkan dengan harta, pangkat, kekayaan, wanita cantik dan sebagainya jika berhenti daripada berdakwah

Musyrikin Mekah melakukan pelbagai cara untuk menyekat kegiatn dakwah Rasulallah s.a.w.. Antaranya ialah mereka mengancam dan menyeksa sahabat-sahabat baginda seperti:

-        - penyeksaan ke atas orang miskin dan golongan hamba yang memeluk Islam seperti yang berlaku kepada keluarga Yasir dan Bilal bin Rabah

-        - mengugut akan membunuh sesiapa sahaja yang memeluk Islam

-        - menyekat bekalan makanan supaya orang Islam mati dalam kelaparan dan sengsara.

Ya Allah.. betapa banyak cabaran baginda dan sahabat-sahabat baginda hadapi. Dan apa yang dinyatakan di atas bukanlah semua cabaran yang mereka tempuhi.

Baginda menghadapi penentangan dan ancaman musyrikin degan sabar dan tabah, malah terus tetap beristiqamah dalam usaha dakwahnya. Baginda berdoa kepada Allah s.w.t. supaya ditetapkan iman. Abu Bakar juga telah membebaskan Bilal bin Rabah daripada diseksa oleh Umaiyah bin Khalaf.

Berkat kesungguhan baginda dan para sahabat berdakwah, pengikut Islam telah bertambah dari sehari ke sehari. Ajaran Islam semakin diterima oleh masyarakat musyrikin Arab dan masyarakat lain. Islam telah membebaskan masyarakat arab daripada belenggu kejahilan kepada mentauhidkan Allah s.w.t.. Ini menjadi bukti bahawa Rasulallah s.a.w adalah pembawa rahmat bagi seluruh alam.

Perutusan Rasulallah s.a.w. kepada masyarakat Arab membawa cahaya kebenaran kepada kehidupan manusia dan mengubah cara hidup masyarakat Arab jahiliah dalam semua aspek kehidupan. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. merupakan manusia unggul yang diutuskan oleh Allah s.w.t. sebagai contoh teladan kepada semua manusia. Rasulallah s.a.w. menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dalam menyebarkan agama Islam. Baginda berjaya mengembangkan Islam ke seluruh dunia berkat ketabahan dan kesungguhannya.

Umat Islam hendaklah rajin dan bersungguh-sungguh meningkatkan syiar Islam. Elakkan sifat mudah berputus asa dan menyerah kalah. Rajin dan tekun berusaha, tabah menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dan rintangan dan sentiasa bertawakal kepada Allah s.w.t. adalah kunci kejayaan.

Walau bagaimanapun, hari Maulidur Rasul bukanlah satu-satunya hari atau hari yang spesifik untuk kita mengingati dan mengenang pergorbanan baginda. Sentiasalah ingat-ingat jgak [saya sendiri pun kekadang terlepas pandang, tak teringat jgak.. :\] Jadi, marilah kita sama-sama luangkan walaupun sedikit masa untuk berselawat ke atas baginda. Allahumma solli ‘ala Muhammad..

Read this in wikipedia:

"....Young flamingos hatch with grey plumage, but adults range from light pink to bright red due to aqueous bacteria and beta carotene obtained from their food supply. A well-fed, healthy flamingo is more vibrantly coloured and thus a more desirable mate. A white or pale flamingo, however, is usually unhealthy or malnourished. Captive flamingos are a notable exception; many turn a pale pink as they are not fed carotene at levels comparable to the wild. This is changing as more zoos begin to add prawns and other supplements to the diets of their flamingos."

Wow, never thought that the food they eat determine their colours [and mates! :P] Well, I'm glad that more zoos are beginning to care for the health of their flamingoes. I know it's not really wrong to hold animals captive for our enjoyment and lesson [grateful and praise Allah for His creations - Alhamdulillah, MashaAllah..] and letting the generation learn about them, but more zoos should really care for and take necessary actions for the animals to stay healthy and happy. :)


Monday, October 27, 2008

A Conversation

Long ago, well not so long ago, I chatted with my mother. This casual conversation changed my life forever --- well, I hope it will, I’m not exactly a precog xP BTW, precog is the word I learned from Heroes Season 3 Episode 6 which means someone who can predict the future. Nevertheless, I searched for the meaning in, but yes, the word does not exist. Yet. I think. OHH, I got to stop babbling xP

Back to the story, at that time, my mother was pregnant and she was exclaiming her want to get a bite on satay. Then she said that it will be nice to get a butler or chauffeur to send him on an errand to go the satay.

"Kan best kalau ada driver ke apa suruh tolong gi belikan satay. Jadi orang kaya pon best jugak kan?" 


"Ntahla Ummi  - jadi orang kaya pun tak semestinya happy."


"Jadi orang miskin pun tak semestinya happy. Jadi bergantung kepada qada dan qadar Allah, kan, Alin?"


Pada saat itu, aku sedar. [hold it.. yes I speak Manglish = Malay + English  :D or commonly known as “bahasa rojak”. Ok I’ll stop membebel] Semua yang berlaku pada diri kita; bahkan seluruh alam telah ditentukan oleh Allah swt. Belajar rukun iman sejak kecik, tapi tak pernah terlintas pun nak aplikasikannya dalam kehidupan seharian

SO, the conclusion is Allah always has a cause creating of what we are. Allah menciptakan manusia, ada yang sempurna ada yang cacat. Yang sempurna diberikan tanggungjawab dan yang cacat tidak dibebankan dengan tanggungjawab orang yang sempurna. Di samping itu, Allah swt mengurniakan kepada mereka keistimewaan sendiri seperti akal yang cerdik atau jiwa yang halus. Ini membuktikan bahawa Allah Maha Adil.

The rich helping the poor  - the strong helping the weak - the fortunate helping the less fortunate. Semuanya bergantung kpd qada’ dan qadar - tak terkecuali daya usaha kita, doa dan tawakal, keredhaan ibubapa dan guru-guru kita, ikhlas untuk meraih keberkatan Allah swt dalam apa jua perkara yang kita lakukan - semua itu berperanan proaktif untuk kita mencapai kejayaan, InsyaAllah.

Yeah, that conversation made me realize. Hence the choice of song for this post! x)

Realise - Colbie Cailett

take time to realize,
that your warmth is
crashing down on in.
take time to realize,
that i am on your side
didn't i, didn't i tell you.

but i can't spell it out for you,
no it's never gonna be that simple
no i cant spell it out for you

c: if you just realize what i just realized,
then we'd be perfect for each other
and will never find another
just realized what i just realized
we'd never have to wonder if
we missed out on each other now.

v2: take time to realize
oh-oh i'm on your side
didn't i, didn't i tell you.
take time to realize
this all can pass you by
didn't i tell you

but i can't spell it out for you,
no it's never gonna be that simple
no i can't spell it out for you.

c: if you just realized what i just realized
then we'd be perfect for each other
then we'd never find another
just realized what i just realized
we'd never have to wonder if
we missed out on each other now.

v3: it's not always the same
no it's never the same
if you don't feel it too.
if you meet me half way
if you would meet me half way.
it could be the same for you.

c: if you just realize what i just realized
then we'd be perfect for each other
then we'd never find another
just realize what i just realized
we'd never have to wonder
just realize what i just realized

if you just realize what i just realized

missed out on each other now
missed out on each other now

realize, realize


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Introduction! :D

Salam, hey!

Well, as this is my first entry, I might as well make a proper, brief introduction of myself. Hmm, what to say.. Well, you can call me AmNas, I'm 15 (as of 2008) and just went throught PMR examinations! :D Yeaahh!! I wanted to make a blog months ago but the intention cannot be fulfilled because I was getting ready for my exams.. yep, getting ready... x) Although I am overjoyed to not to study for two consecutive months, I am really nervous about starting Form 4 next year.

First off, I'm not sure if I will achieve best results because my performance was really moderate during the exams, and I'm not sure which stream I should choose. Well, my dream occupation is to be a teacher slash lecturer, whichever but I'm really interested in teaching. Not just because of Rasulallah s.a.w. (pbuh) sunah:

Rasulullah Shallallahu’alaihi wasallam bersabda :
“Apabila seorang anak Adam meninggal, maka akan terputus amalannya kecuali tiga perkara : shadaqoh jariyah, atau ilmu yang bermanfaat, atau anak shalih yang mendoakan kepadanya” (HR Abu Hurairah)

But the joy of teaching someone (if that someone understood what you're blabbing about) and that someone achieves good results because of you teaching him or her cannot be described in words. You feel a sense of satisfaction and that you can put your head in the air. And that sense drives you to teach even more. 

Okie, back to the reason why I'm in dilema to start form 4 next year --- choosing the streams... because I think I'm interested in every subject offered by every stream... [oh man, Im so weeeird] Maybe, possibly, probably because all this years of schooling, all the subjects are decided by the government, which makes me a "go by the flow" person. You know --  lurus bendul, bagai lalang ditiup angin, bagai ular kena palu, bagai.. eh, termasuk pepatah khas untuk perbarisan la plak! x)  Yeah, now I'm babbling bebel plak.

Okeh, my interests. Reading storybooks, [or anything readable for that matter xP] watching movies, [yep, Im a movie fanatic/enthuasist] listening to music, [anything that rings to my ears except hip-hop, rap, that metal2 stuff la] photography [still learning], camping, swimming, surfing the net. Oh yeah, I'm still new on this blogging thing, so hope you guys can help me, keyh? Thank you! Terima kasih! Syukran! Jazakullahu khaira! Aligato! Gracias! Grazie! :D

Well, that's all for now. Okey, let's listen to this soothing and jovial song to brighten up your day! Enjoy! :D

* heard "Raindrops Are Falling On My Head" [BJ Thomas] in Spiderman 2 which shows Peter's blissful mood after abandoning his Spiderman identity and its responsibilities. I love the funny scenes while the song was playing. Watch the video!